After investing a significant portion of my time in research, I found out that there is a false sense of competition established between the two. These are quite different services and we would recommend investing in both services for the best possible returns on getting the leads and enhancing their visibility.
You might want to just dive into the benefits and key strengths; however, we assume that you must know the key differences between Facebook Ads and Google Adwords before everything else. For starters, we would just say that these two marketing platforms work on completely different structures.
Having your business on these services will help you reach a precise audience, all thanks to a wide range of targeting options that are offered to you. Now, without any further due, let’s dive into the key differences:
The advertiser will try to bid on the specific keywords that the users will enter in the search bar. The campaigns created on Adword will appear right next to the queries made by the users. In this model, the advertiser will be charged by Google only when the user will click on that campaign. The topics of keyword bidding in PPC advertising and its optimization are quite extensive and there is no need for them to be discussed here.
All you need to focus on is that Google Adword is the service used by a number of users to easily find their targeted audience. The key differences can be wrapped in one line; Facebook will help your customers spot you and on the contrary, the Adword will allow you to find potential customers.
When it comes to wired marketing, Google has the widest presence and for a majority of advertisers, Adword is almost synonymous with PPC advertising. It is the world’s most used search engine and registers a whopping 3.5 billion queries per day. The search engine offers the best tools to locate the audience that is trying to search for the products and services.
This advertising platform works on two patterns; display and search. The latter will comprise the whole search engine and the bidding will be done through millions of keywords and phrases based on the search queries of the users. However, the display channel will include ad banners that can be considered as a total of 98% of the WWW. Banner ads are highly effective and cost-effective for the specific purpose of brand awareness.
A boundless audience: Everyone already knows this. The primary advantage that you will get with Adword is the immense reach that it has to offer. The search queries registered by Google every single second go up to 40,000 per second. Moreover, it translates to 1.2 trillion per annum.
The platform is becoming drastically practical every day, all thanks to Google’s own AI & ML technology. No matter which strategy you are opting for, Google Adword should definitely be a part of it. Thanks to the search result accuracy, PPC advertising is dominated by Google.
Relevance of ads: A majority of users who are not very familiar with the concept of Google Adword believe that if they increase the budget, the campaign will reach a larger audience. It’s a thought that can’t get more wrong. Adword focuses solely on the relevance and the overall quality of the ad, and not how much budget you have.
The relevance of the content will directly impact Google's search engine. Moreover, that’s why the platform focuses so heavily on this aspect. The price will vary based on the keyword. There are various poor-quality ads that will bid more in comparison to the ones that are better optimized and rich in terms of content quality.
Multiple ad formats: The platform was launched around 2000 and it has significantly improved since then. There is a wide range of available formats that you can choose from to get the best appeal for the targeted audience.
Though the core PPC advertising has yet stuck with text, Google offers multiple features such as ad extensions and social proofing to enhance ad visually. These ad formats will also offer you tailored experiences for the type of product/service that you are offering. These features will drastically help in reaching a new audience.
Between the two, as it might suggest to you by the name, Facebook Ads is the service that you will use to advertise your business on social media. It’s known to everyone that no other platform can boast of higher monthly active users than Facebook. If you have any doubt, you can research a bit and find the difference between the MAUs with their competitors. With such a huge user presence, it has become one of the most cost-effective and fruitful mediums to market.
The only similarity that you can say between Facebook Ads and Google Adwords is that you are advertising over the internet. A paid social media campaign is highly dependent on the user’s online behavior. The Facebook algorithm will show you the ads based on the interests of the particular user.
If you compare it with Google's Adword, it will feel like an ardent tool that is quite complex. However, there are various changes that have been made by this social media giant to offer a much more refined service.
For paid social media marketing, Facebook has now come head-to-head compared to the presence of Google in paid search marketing. Let’s go through a few key advantages.
Huge audience with precise details: In this aspect, Facebook Ads is quite similar to the search engine giant. This social media mogul boasts around 1.5 billion monthly active users. This number doesn’t include the ones that open Facebook once in a while.
The best feature that Facebook offers is the audience with precise details related to their interests and online presence. This platform knows everything about you from which school you went to where you partied last night. The algorithm tailors the relevant content for the users.
Visual appeal: This is a key advantage in which Facebook has an upper hand and you can say it wins this aspect by a huge margin. Adwords is a platform primarily based on text campaigns whereas Facebook Ads is focused on visual details. The ads will appear in the user’s feed. Moreover, if it’s rich in media, there are high chances of it getting the engagement.
Good returns: The number of targeting options that you will get with Facebook has some serious impact and you will get a higher return on investments. There are also various tools that you will get here offering you an easy approach to create engaging ads.
There are various factors that will play their roles in the final pricing. However, you can rest assured that it’s highly affordable when you put the budget side by side to the ROI.
Which one should I use, Facebook Ads or Adwords?
Though it depends on your business and its market presence, we would still recommend following a strategy that includes both platforms.
Are Facebook Ads cheaper?
It’s also not a straight yes or no. Google will charge you according to the number of clicks. However, Facebook Ads is a time-bound campaign that will expire after a specific time.
How are these two different?
The answer is quite simple. Facebook will show users the ads based on their relevance to their interests and hobbies. On the contrary, Google Adwords will show your campaign with the query that the user has asked for.
We hope we were able to bust your myth that both of these platforms are adverse to each other. If you are still confused, all we can say is to make such a marketing strategy in which you can include both platforms. Also, ensure you extract the full return on your investment. While doing this, don’t forget the respective requirements of each platform. No matter what you end up using, the online marketing platforms have made reaching the targeted audience much easier than once can imagine.
If you ask us, for all your marketing related needs, we highly suggest that you opt for the iDotcommers. Since they own a remarkable working portfolio, all your needs will be taken charge of.
Mona Ganatra is a content and copywriter who loves nothing more than to craft brand stories with soul! the true essence & a vision of She loves writing and getting exceptional results.
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